Dental Crowns: What to Expect in Encino CA

Dental Crowns: What to Expect in Encino CA

Dental crowns are an excellent choice for protecting and repairing damaged teeth. With this minimally invasive treatment, you can have a healthy and confident smile. Though dental crowns are not for everyone if you have any of the following issues, you may benefit from treatment.

  • A weak tooth that needs protection
  • A broken or worn down tooth
  • Holding a bridge in place
  • Improving the look of misshapen teeth
  • Covering an implant
  • Supporting a tooth that has a large filling

After consulting with your dentist, you may be recommended for dental crown treatment. Before the procedure, your dentist will explain what to expect during and after treatment.

During the Procedure

A digital x-ray will be taken first to get a better look at the tooth’s roots and any surrounding decay. In some cases of extensive decay or infection risk, more than a crown is needed.

A crown is applied over the course of two minimally invasive appointments at our dental office in Encino. First, the tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed, and your Encino dentist will slightly shape the tooth in order to make room for the crown. An impression is made of the tooth and the surrounding area so that the crown is custom-fitted. The crown is fabricated in one of our highly skilled laboratories.

At the next appointment, when the crown is ready, it is fitted and cemented in place permanently. The next step is to properly care for your dental crown for lasting results.

Caring for Your Dental Crowns

Caring for dental crowns is simple. You can eat and drink just as you did before. Your regular routine of brushing and flossing also stays the same. Be sure to take good care of your teeth and visit our office for regular professional cleanings and exams to ensure that your mouth stays healthy.